How we use cookies
Here's a list of all the cookies this site sets, and their uses:
This lets us know that when you enter details into the site, you're the one entering them. It's used to protect against malicious users submitting forms on your behalf.
- behaviour_wall_session
This is used to keep track of your login session, which means you don't need to login every time you visit a new page.
- cookie_consent
This is used to store whether or not you've clicked 'Dismiss' on the cookie statement, so it can hide itself when you've already seen it.
- has_warned_mobile
If you're on a mobile device, then you'll be warned that certain areas of the wall aren't optimised for a smaller screen. This cookie keeps track to see if you've been warned or not.
How we handle your data
If you're a guest to the site, we don't store any identifiable data on our servers at all.
However, if you are a registered user then we do store data, for instance your email address. All this data is treated with as much care as we'd treat our own. It cannot be accessed by any third parties.
If you want your data updated or deleted, just send us an email.