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To cry or otherwise signal to get needs met
To call for care
To bond emotionally - to learn to trust caring adults and self
To decide to live, to be
To accept nuture
To accept touch
To start to learn that there are options and that not all problems are easily solved
To develop initiative
To explore and experience the environment
To develop sensory awareness by using all senses
To get help in times of distress
To signal needs; to trust others and self
To continue to form secure attachments with parents and/or care-givers
To establish ability to think for self
To learn to think and solve problems with cause-and-effect thinking
To start to follow simple safety commands
To test reality, to push against other people and boundaries
To express anger, sadness and other feelings
To separate from parents/carers without losing their security
To start to give up beliefs about being the centre of the universe
To practise socially acceptable behaviour
To learn to exert power to affect relationships
To discover effect on others and place in group
To acquire information about the world, self, body and gender role
To assert an identity separate from others
To separate fantasy from reality
To learn extent of personal power
To develop the capacity to co-operate
To disagree with others and still be wanted
To test ideas and values
To learn from mistakes, learn skills, and decide to be 'good enough'
To identify with one's own chosen gender
To test abilities against others
To check out family/school rules and structures
To learn the relevance of rules
To learn what is one's own responsibility and that of others
To experience the consequences of breaking rules
To know when to flee, when to go with the flow and when to stand firm
To develop internal controls
To learn to listen in order to collect information and think
To reason about wants and needs
To practise thinking and doing
To integrate sexually into earlier developmental tasks
To emerge as a separate independent person with own identity and values
To achieve steps towards independence
To be competent and responsible for own needs, feelings and behaviours
To achieve clearer emotional separation from family
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